Digital Creating and Making at #DigiCon15
Digital Creating and Making at #DigiCon15 Quickmakes

The term blog derives from ‘web log’ and was initially coined to describe “discrete entries (posts) typically displayed in reverse chronological order.” This though has changed over time. Now it incorporates a range of different methods for creating and communicating. Sometimes it is organised inside a bigger system, but more often than not it is standalone.  There are many different platforms out there, each having their benefits and negatives. What does not change is the focus presenting mixed media, including video, text, images and audio.

It seems that when it comes to blogging there are as many reasons not to blog. These include not enough time, fear of the public audience and feeling that you have nothing to write. What stands out the most to me though is actually knowing where to start. Sometimes this start is about finding a why, but more often than not it is about where and how.

Unsure which platform to use, how to setup a blog or whether you can maintain regular blogging, a good place to start is Medium. Founded by Twitter co-founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone, the intention was to encourage Twitter uses to create longer posts. In a reflection on why he loves Medium, Marcin Wichary highlights a range of benefits, such as the simplicity of use, looks great on any device and makes it easy to collaborate. While in a separate post Mathias Elmore suggests that when it comes to writing, Medium has some real benefits, including the ability to write, read, annotate and engage all in the one place.

I am not sure if I think doing everything in one place is the ideal solution, nor do I feel that Medium is the best platform. Here I am with Audrey Watters’ call for a domain of one’s own. However, Medium does provide a good starting place.

Some possible uses for blogging are:

  • Being a connected educator
  • Critically engaging with information and ideas
  • Showing your work and learning
  • Leading by example

Here are some additional resources associated with Medium (and blogging in general):

Ten Reasons Why I Love Medium – a post from Marcin Wichary unpacking the different features of Medium

Medium as an educational tool — the feedback era – a post from Mathias Elmose discussing the benefits in regards to writing and feedback

Getting Started in Medium: Writing and Reading – two posts from Ian O’Byrne explaining how to get going with Medium.

Syndicating to Medium – a post from Jeremy Keith outlining how to syndicate your posts to Medium in order to gain the benefits of posting in your own space, as well as the reach offered by a space like Medium.

Why I Blog (And How You Can Too) – A guide from Sue Waters to everything associated with blogging

Seven Reasons Teachers Should Blog – An exploration from Steve Wheeler into some of the reasons as to why to blog

Why I Blog – A reflection from Corrie Barclay on the range of reasons why to blog

An Introduction to Blogging with Global2 – A post I wrote exploring the potential of Global2 and Edublog for education

Successful Blog Posts – A post from Doug Pete looking at the mechanics of a blog post

Anywhere but Medium – Dave Winer makes the plea for readers to post anywhere but Medium, rather than let it become consensus platform. Instead, we need to make a stand for the open web and at least post elsewhere first.

Tips and tricks for Medium writers – The editor at Medium provide an extensive guide for using the editor when publishing in Medium.

Blogging with Medium by Aaron Davis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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