flickr photo shared by mrkrndvs under a Creative Commons ( BY-SA ) license

So here we are again. Learning. Together. I signed up, saw the tweets, read some posts, received the email. I didn’t think that I’d be able to make it, but here I am, wondering once again, what does it all mean. So it begins, once again, with a curious question without a mark, a short phrase. “Learning Subjectives”. Here then are my thoughts, for what they are worth.

To me learning subjectives is:

  • Where learning is the focus
  • Sometimes ignored, often stifled
  • Making, adapting and remixing
  • Grown in many ways: cuttings, seeds, roots
  • Open to choice, but we must always choose
  • Influenced and encouraged by space
  • Full of compromise and negotiation
  • Not easily, if ever, assessed
  • Personally connected

So there we have it, my first post. Feels incomplete, but maybe it always is. Anyway, good to be back. Did we ever leave?

Learning Subjectives by Aaron Davis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

2 thoughts on “Learning Subjectives

  1. Thanks for this post, and for outlining your view of learning subjectives so clearly. I really like that one in the middle, about being open to choose, but also being forced to choose – I guess wrapped up in this is having confidence in choices, and accepting that while they’re good enough for now, they might, in time be superseded by different ones. I work with first year undergraduate students, and I wish they all had the confidence to accept that what they’ve done to be academically successful now is ok, but that it might need looking at again; and that the things they find to replace them this year, might change again the next.

    • Thanks Tim for the reply. I guess it is a part of that cycle of unlearning, where sometimes we have to admit that what we were doing was wrong or might not work anymore. I must admit, the idea of forced choice stems in part from the discussion in #Rhizo14 around ‘enforced independence’ This has been one of those unreconcilable ideas and topics which continues to kind of haunt me.

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